Ines Maria Eckermann
- All things communication -

I write
_____ books for
_____ people.*

free & creative

The start-up aid for self-employment for creative minds

Do you really just want to focus on your creative work, but then you suddenly find yourself faced with organisational problems? Business plan, acquisition, insurance – do you have to? ‘frei & kreativ’ is your companion for your creative self-employment.

406 pages
publishing house: Rheinwerk
published in 2021
ISBN 978-3-8362-8048-8

I don't need more

Achieve consumer serenity and become sustainably happy

Sometimes it seems as if we have collectively lost our bearings. So what could be more obvious than simply shopping our own lives, self-image and perhaps even happiness to suit us? ‘I don’t need any more’ questions our consumer behaviour and looks behind the scenes of marketing and social media, which don’t always play well with our well-being.
336 pages publishing house: Tectum published in 2019 paperback ISBN 978-3-8288-4173-4

Self-efficacy, virtue and reflection

Ancient theories of happiness and modern research

Have you ever woken up in the morning and resolved to have a really bad day today? Then you’re like most people. For thousands of years, we have been searching for the good life, for happiness and ways and means to get there. In ancient times, there were some good ideas that can still help us in our search today.

358 pages
publishing house: Tectum
published in 2016
ISBN 978-3-8288-3781-2

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